We’ll offer a range of classes, workshops, and Teacher Training and special events on Zoom in 2024 as well as teaching live in the Studio (16 participants). Practising online and in person is meaningful in different ways and we hope you’ll enjoy either or both. Thank you for your continuing support in these uncertain times. And we hope you use and enjoy our pre-recorded Home Practice audios and videos.
The Studio is open for in-person classes with online advanced bookings and payment in advance only. The preferred payment method is by e-transfer to info@estheryoga.com. Sorry, we cannot accept drop-ins. Credit is available with 24 hours cancellation ONLY.
During the month of March, the Studio will donate $1 to the One City Scholarship Fund for everyone participating in every yoga class, in person and online. Please boost your attendance – help us help young people thrive. More information here: Themed Series.
Please check this space for updates or send us an email if you have questions. Take good care – we look forward to welcoming you back to the Studio.
Esther Myers Yoga Studio offers yoga workshops in Toronto. Each workshop is unique and allows you to focus on a specific theme. Please register in advance.
Toronto Workshops at Esther Myers Yoga Studio

Compassionate self-care for troubled times
Sunday, April 6, with Monica Voss and Ana Bodnar, 11:00am-1:00pm ET, $45
on Zoom
Using conversation, yoga exercises, breathing techniques, chanting, relaxation and meditation, Monica and Ana will collaborate while offering concepts, strategies, and practices for cultivating attitudes of care, refreshment, stamina and optimism in these difficult times.
Please join us and bring a notebook, your questions and suggestions.
Monica Voss has been a student and teacher of yoga for over 45 years and co-owns and teaches at Esther Myers Yoga Studio.
Ana Bodnar is a Clinical Psychologist and Yoga and Meditation teacher who has taught workshops on Self-Compassion in many settings, including the University of Toronto.

Harmonizing Through Blood, Bones, Heart and the Natural World
Friday, April 11, with Mariko Tanabe, 1:00pm-3:30pm ET, $45
on Zoom
You are invited into an experiential exploration of the creation of your body, from conception through the embryological pathways that lay the foundations of the body you have today. Discover the architecture of bones, flesh, and the immense power of blood and heart to bring a depth and power to your practice and everyday movements.
Through movement, touch, vibration, meditation and discussion, explore the seminal heart–brain axis, and other ways to harmonize body, brain and heart and to nourish your essential relationship with the natural world.
All are welcome to participate at their own level of comfort and experience.
Image: Energy at the heart of the Milky Way, NASA, New Scientist

Welcoming Spring: a day of yoga
Sunday, May 4, with Monica Voss, 10:30am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-3:00pm ET, $60/full day, $30/half day, included in your unlimited at the Studio, sliding scale available
on Zoom
Together, let’s welcome springtime. We’ll prepare our mind garden with relaxation and visualization, pranayama and meditation; nourish roots with foot and leg stretches; open shoulder and arm branches to the sunlight; and blossom with hopes and plans while freeing the spine. Our energy, like Nature’s yearly miracle, will return!
Teacher trainees, teachers, experienced practitioners, interested beginners – all are welcome. Bring your questions and reflections.