Awaken the Shoulder Girdle

Monday, February 24 – Friday, February 28, with Julia Juhas, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

Although the shoulder girdle is brilliantly designed to be extremely mobile, more often than not, it feels the opposite due to the weight of the world we carry on our shoulders. Why not lighten the load? Let’s rediscover shoulder mobility through the exploration of movement of the bones and soft tissue that make up the shoulder girdle and how these movements affect the spine.

“If, like me, you’re recovering from the fatigue of a respiratory infection, attend (Awaken the Shoulder Girdle) with Julia Juhas. The focus on the shoulder blades, especially, helped open my torso and I have been able to breathe more deeply and come off the mat more energized as a result.” Candace S

I enjoyed ‘Awaken the Shoulder Girdle’ with Julia Juhas. I learned a lot about shoulders and mine have never felt so released and relaxed! The class was a perfect blend of information, instruction, and helpful feedback in a safe and friendly space. ” Jan Fleming

Image: From the film ‘Aniki Bobo’, Manoel de Oliveira, 1942

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