Zooming has nurtured and fortified our relationship with the practice of yoga and meditation and safeguarded the invaluable connection amongst us as participants, instructors and friends. To join classes and/or workshops, there is a three-step process. Please register using the form below. The preferred payment method is by e-transfer to info@estheryoga.com. Alternatively, use https://www.estheryoga.com/classes/fees/. Then, download the Zoom app.
Register for Online Classes and Workshops
Complete the registration form below to receive the automatically generated Zoom link the day prior to your class or workshop. Registration is open until the class begins. However, it is always best to register early as there can sometimes be a delay between registration and the link arriving in your inbox. Please note:During the month of March, the Studio will donate $1 to the One City Scholarship Fund for everyone participating in every yoga class, in person and online. Please boost your attendance – help us help young people thrive. More information here: Themed Series.