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When you arrive at our bright, spacious Studio, you will be invited to borrow any equipment that you need (yoga mat, bolster, blanket…) and to find a spot in the room to lie down and relax. As you rest back you may begin to enjoy the simple pleasure of taking time for yourself and the process of settling into the room and into your body.
Guided Relaxation

Class usually begins with a guided relaxation. During this relaxation you will remain in svasana (a simple resting posture). The time taken to focus on relaxing the body and quieting the mind is an important element of yoga practice. Svasana acts as a bridge between the busy, often hectic lives we lead, and the more singular internal focus we cultivate during yoga practice.
Asana and Pranayama

The next portion of the class is devoted to both asana practice (the practice and experience of the postures) and pranayama (various breathing techniques that when integrated with the postures energize the body). The breath and the stabilizing force of gravity are employed as partners throughout the class in order to free the spine into its natural wavelike action. Depending on the level of the class, and the time of day, the focus of the postures may be restorative, invigorating, or both.
Concluding Relaxation
Classes conclude with a second focused relaxation. This allows students time to rest deeply once again, and to give their bodies the opportunity to integrate the physical experiences introduced throughout the class.
Safe exploration and discovery are encouraged
The classes at Esther Myers Yoga Studio are infused with a spirit of exploration and discovery. Students are encouraged to practise at their own pace. The teachers challenge and support each student, taking into consideration her or his individual energy, physical abilities and limitations. The faculty is open to questions, comments and requests from students both during and after class. This makes for a lively, inspiring atmosphere.
The Studio is committed to offering a supportive and safe atmosphere for the ongoing exploration of the ancient and evolving practice of yoga.
Esther Myers Yoga Teachers
All of the teachers at Esther Myers Yoga Studio are graduates of the Studio’s Teacher Training Programme. Therefore, they share a common methodology. In addition, each teacher is guided by personal expertise and interests. These range from the martial arts, and athletics to meditation, dance and other body/mind disciplines. This makes for a rich variety of approaches.
The nature of our approach is such that you will accumulate knowledge in every class you attend and be fully part of the learning process, even when you participate only on a drop-in basis. All of our teachers are accustomed to welcoming and integrating new students into their classes anytime. You will receive the instruction that you need as a new student in order to feel comfortable in the class.
All Levels

Yoga classes offered in person and online are ‘All Level’ classes, designed for learning or relearning the basic postures, stress relief, body and breath awareness, healthy movement, and enjoyment. The exercises are simple and repeated frequently and new poses and material is introduced gradually. Classes are personalized (as much as possible online) and safety issues are addressed. Sessions are 1.5 hours and are educational, meditative, positive and relaxing. Everyone is included, questions are welcomed, and participation is by choice, using one’s own best sense of what is comfortable and appropriate.
Unlike at most other yoga studios, all our classes are based on the same approach to hatha yoga. We don’t offer a variety of ‘styles’ of yoga. Every class includes relaxation, breathing practice, stretching, yoga postures and meditation. If the class or workshop has a title/theme, we mention that.
Breathing Meditations
Take time just to breathe. These classes include basic breathing exercises (pranayama) and a variety of breath awareness, meditation techniques as well as mudras, bandhas, sense exploration, relaxation, Q&A and discussion.
Yoga for Anxiety
Practise and discuss asana and pranayama techniques to help manage anxiety. Learn to understand the basis for each exercise and how it re-energizes the natural relaxation response and moves body and mind toward health and balance.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga is a specialized approach involving rhythmic movement with breath, pranayamas, and mantra. This practice stimulates warmth and energy while leaving the body feeling grounded and refreshed. We offer classes and workshops in this methodology occasionally.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong is a Chinese exercise system which uses slow, repetitive and meditative physical movements ranging from simple to complex that work every tissue and system in the body. Qi Gong calms the mind and activates the energy and breath maintaining optimum health and over time may allow the body to recover from chronic illness. Sets usually include 5-10 moves. Modifications can be made to accommodate physical challenges. Donna Oliver offers regular Qi Gong classes and workshops at the Studio.
Yes, you may drop in or join any of the regular classes at any point. Check with the Studio before dropping in to the short Themed class series and those with limited enrollment.
Yes. An introductory class is $12 or 3 for $35 for anyone new to the Studio, or as a first time student you can purchase an unlimited classes and workshops pass for 1 week for $45. Please pre register for themed class series.
Yes, you may change the class you attend from week to week. The 6, 10 and 20 class cards give you the flexibility to attend the class that works for your schedule.
With our class card system, you never need to worry about a missed class. The 10 and 20-class cards are valid for 1 year, and the 6-class card is valid for 6 months.
We also offer passes for unlimited classes for 1 month or 1 year and unlimited classes and workshops for 1 month or year.
The Studio is open for in-person classes with online advanced bookings only. Registration is required. Sorry, we cannot accept drop-ins. Credit is available with 24 hours cancellation ONLY.
If paying for a themed class series, missed classes may be used within 3 months for classes or workshops. Credit for missed classes cannot be applied to intensives, retreats, special events or visiting teachers’ workshops.

We have mats, blankets, bolsters etc. However, we do encourage you to bring your own mat if you have one. There is space to store your mat.
Loose comfortable clothing such as track pants, footless tights, shorts, T-shirts, and/or sweatshirts. Layers can be useful. We are air-conditioned in the summer.
We have change rooms and two washrooms, but no showers.
We are on the north side of Dupont Street at Brunswick Avenue, about halfway between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street.
390 Dupont Street, Suite 203, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 1V9
Yes, Dupont subway is about 5 minutes walk away. If you get out on the north/west corner, stay on the north side and walk west.
There are 3 parking spaces allocated to Esther Myers Yoga Studio (MYERS) and 2 public spots at the front of the lot which you can use. Please only park in the spots reserved for Esther Myers Yoga Studio or for visitors as all other spaces on the premises are used by other businesses on a 24/7 basis.
Dupont Street has metered parking. There is also parking on the side streets in the area. There is a pay parking lot on Howland Avenue, just north of the Studio and two George Brown College pay parking lots on Bridgman Avenue, one street north of the Studio.
Yes. The first class is $12. After that, if you cannot afford the full fee, you may speak to Monica Voss or Tama Soble about a reduced rate.
The classes focus on many different stretches and breathing techniques applicable to any stage of pregnancy and is a women-only group, while the workshop is helpful in the latter stages of pregnancy, for labour preparation and birth and may be attended with or without a partner/coach/friend.
If you have taken yoga before and it is early in the pregnancy, you might want to start with a Beginner/Int. class, then join the pre-natal class at 6-7 months. If you are new to yoga, you can start the pre-natal class (or a regular beginners’ class) at any time.
Esther Myers Yoga Studio: A Neighbourhood Landmark

Esther Myers established her Studio in 1979. What began as a small studio in the Annex area of Toronto has grown into a vibrant centre that offers classes, workshops and retreats to students at every level of yoga practice, as well as pre and post natal yoga, breathing and meditation, yoga for anxiety and a highly respected Teacher Training Programme.
In March 2019, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of our yoga studio! We are grateful for the ongoing commitment of our vibrant community of students and teachers, colleagues, neighbours, family and friends. Deep heartfelt thanks to Esther Myers (1947-2004) for the intelligent compassionate path of enquiry she blazed for us all.