Themed Yoga Classes

We’ll offer a range of classes, workshops, and Teacher Training and special events on Zoom in 2024 as well as teaching live in the Studio (16 participants). Practising online and in person is meaningful in different ways and we hope you’ll enjoy either or both. Thank you for your continuing support in these uncertain times. And we hope you use and enjoy our pre-recorded Home Practice audios and videos.

The Studio is open for in-person classes with online advanced bookings and payment in advance only.  The preferred payment method is by e-transfer to Sorry, we cannot accept drop-insCredit is available with 24 hours cancellation ONLY.
During the month of March, the Studio will donate $1 to the One City Scholarship Fund for everyone participating in every yoga class, in person and online. Please boost your attendance – help us help young people thrive.  More information here: Themed Series.
Please check this space for updates or send us an email if you have questions. Take good care – we look forward to welcoming you back to the Studio.

Themed Classes explore unique topics through yoga, meditation, qi gong, and other creative offerings over a single class, a week or a few weeks on Zoom or at our Studio in downtown Toronto.

Themed Yoga Classes Online and In Person

Fundraiser for One City Scholarship Fund

Fundraiser for One City Scholarship Fund

During the month of March, the Studio will donate $1 to the One City Scholarship Fund for everyone participating in every yoga class, in person and online.

Please boost your attendance – perhaps try something new? an early morning series? a breathing session? a different teacher? – and help us help young people thrive.

Any additional donations you wish to make directly to One City are welcome and will receive a charitable tax receipt. Many thanks!

All proceeds go to the One City Scholarship Fund ( supporting graduating Toronto high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who have excelled academically, with their college and university education. Scholarship recipients are hopeful and committed to making a difference. They are talented young people who are changemakers and community builders – not of our future, but of today.

Circles, spirals, whorls and wheels

Circles, spirals, whorls and wheels

Monday, March 24 – Friday, March 28, with Monica Voss, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

Curving, continuous movements, the hallmark of Qi Gong, are rare in yoga and introducing circles, figure 8s and spirals – mentally and literally – warms and lubricates all the systems of the body creating an overflow of pure enjoyment and assuring us there’s always another chance, another beginning.

Discover yoga practice as a circle game of free movement, cumulative learning, awareness and delight.

Image: All of Nature Flows Through Us, Marc Quinn, 2011

QiGong for Health

QiGong for Health

Mondays, March 24, 31 April 7, 14, 21, with Donna Oliver, 5:00pm-6:00pm ET, $144/8 classes, $21/class
at the Studio

Focus will be on gentle exercises that may relieve stress, back pain, depression, and insomnia, as well as other common health disorders. Boost your immune system and remain healthy this winter with Qigong!

Image: Waves, Georgia O’Keeffe

Brain and Balancing

Brain and Balancing

Monday, March 31 – Friday, April 4, with Mar Jean Olson, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $80/week, $23/class *no class on Tuesday April 1
on Zoom

Join us for fun and effective ways to improve our balance. We’ll develop the basics of balance through breathing, eyes, focus, hands and feet and stepping patterns. Plenty of ‘brain aerobics’ exercises are included that we can easily practise on our own.

Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Nidra

Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Nidra

Monday, April 7 – Friday, April 11, with John Campbell, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

A morning practice – pranayama, guided and silent sitting meditation, finishing with yoga nidra. Start your day here, right here. Energized, grounded, present, free, easy, infinite capacity. Everyone is welcome – both those new to meditation and experienced meditators.

Rise up! Rise up!

Rise up! Rise up!

Monday, April 14 – Friday, April 18, with Julia Juhas, 8:00am-9:15am ET,  $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

It’s that time of year to Rise Up, awaken and renew the energy core within us, the spine. Let’s invigorate this glorious structure as we gently explore and weave together the breath with the movements within Sun Salutation. We’ll take our time basking in the different asanas that create this vitalizing sequence. This series is not about how many rounds we do – rather how we move mindfully from one asana to the next.

Julia’s class was brilliant. Her creativity to do Sun Salutation even lying down, her thoughtfulness and care and energy are inspiring. I always know I will feel safe and have fun experimenting with all the movements from simple to the most complicated. Delightful!
Sandie Collins

Balancing movement and stillness

Balancing movement and stillness

Monday, April 21 – Friday, April 25, with Tama Soble, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

As human beings we need both movement and stillness to balance body, mind and soul. We will use movement sequences, familiar and new, to energize, ease and nurture. After each movement exploration we will rest in stillness and awareness. The temporal balance between these two states is different for each individual. There will be the opportunity to explore our personal relationship between activity and quiet, exuberance and rest, reaching outward and inward throughout the week.
Image: Shooting Star, Matthew Wong, 2019

Friday Intensives

Friday Intensives

April 25, *May 23, June 20, July 11 with Tama Soble, 1:00pm-3:00pm ET, $30/class, included in unlimited passes
on Zoom

Enjoy the pleasure of deepening your practice by taking time at the end of the week to unwind and revitalize. For students and teachers at every level.

“I really enjoyed your Friday Intensive yesterday. I look forward to your monthly classes and love the way you lead up to the theme, gradually encouraging us to open our rib cage as yesterday. I always leave inspired and encouraged in my ability to move into poses with more ease and comfort.” SM

Come to your senses

Come to your senses

Monday, April 28- Friday May 2, with Monica Voss, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

Let’s spend one session on each sense in order to enhance our awareness of our environment, learn to use the mind productively and appreciate our ability to attend deeply to anything and thereby relax.

Postures, movement and breathing practice will be included every day.

Image: The False Mirror, Rene Magritte, 1928

A Spring in your Step

A Spring in your Step

Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 9, with Della Croteau, 8:00am-9:15am ET, $100/wk, $23/class
on Zoom

As spring comes, many of us notice a difference in the length and comfort of our stride. Where and how does that spring in your walk arise? From the feet? the legs and pelvis? the spine? the breath? relaxation? overall well-being? This week, we will explore the origin and anatomy of the spring in our step and together, practise standing and walking with enjoyment and ease.

Image: ’61-’62, Michael Snow, 1962

Helping hands - and feet - help each other

Helping hands – and feet – help each other

Monday, May 12 – Friday, May 16, with Maria Meindl, 8:00am-9:15am ET,  $100/week, $23/class
on Zoom

Our hands and feet work incredibly hard but factors ranging from weather, to breathing habits, to clothing, to old injuries can leave them functioning in isolation. The Feldenkrais method is all about sensing connections: from your hands and feet to your trunk, and even to each other. This series of five lessons will ask: what can the left hand and foot learn from the right? How can the feet help the hands, and vice-versa?

Drop in for a single lesson or take them as a series. No prior experience needed.

Maria Meindl

Maria Meindl became fascinated by the simplicity and power of The Feldenkrais Method in the early 1980s.

Friday Intensive at the Studio

Friday Intensive at the Studio

May 23, with Tama Soble, 1:00pm-3:00pm, $30/class, included in unlimited passes,
at the Studio

Enjoy the pleasure of deepening your practice by taking time at the end of the week to unwind and revitalize. For students and teachers at every level.

“I really enjoyed your Friday Intensive yesterday. I look forward to your monthly classes and love the way you lead up to the theme, gradually encouraging us to open our rib cage as yesterday. I always leave inspired and encouraged in my ability to move into poses with more ease and comfort.” SM

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