Develop the skill – and art – of lazy gazing this summer with yoga and meditation

by Monica Voss

‘Drishti’ or gazing is a yogic meditation exercise during which one focuses eye attention on a person, an object or a scene, taking in all there is without judgement. In the summer or whenever our schedule is lighter or when we’re on holiday, gazing is easy-going and meandering and the colours and textures, shapes and movements and energy are acknowledged by the brain with direct and peripheral vision and enjoyed objectively. It’s not about how much or how incisively we observe. We’re not trying to learn or analyse or remember or even understand. There’s often some stress around needing to see things clearly – drishti is merely looking. The act of gazing with soft curiosity puts us at ease.

Casting a gentle gaze on personal, family or community difficulties or terrifying global affairs is much, much more challenging but the action is the same. It’s a life practice learning to allow the storm to roll by, the fear and anger to move through without prevailing, the worry and sadness to dissipate as we acknowledge our individual and collective suffering with patience and compassion.

Yoga helps stimulate close attention and at the same time, relaxation. Integrate drishti with yoga, meditation practice and regularly during the day. Lazy summer gazing will become a kind and faithful helpmate whenever times are tough.

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